Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Virtual Blog Tour for My Book, Whose Stuff Is This?: Finding Freedom from the Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, is Complete!

My virtual blog tour for my book, Whose Stuff Is This?: Finding Freedom from the Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, is complete. Here are the stops from the final week.

Monday, March 21 - Reno Lovison Marketing Communications Services presented an article titled “Authors Must Learn to Sell What They Write.” I shared some of the mistakes I made in promoting my first two books and gave some tips on what to do to ensure the successful launch of your book. See Business Card to Business Blog:

Tuesday, March 22 - Anne Lyken-Garner has a media release about the many ways that we are connected: the air we breathe, our basic needs and physiology, and energetically/spiritually. No one feels the power of this connection more than the energy-sensitive people, who unknowingly pick up on the detrimental thoughts, feelings, and even the illnesses of others and their environment. Read more on Anne’s blog:

Wednesday, March 23 - Being empathic is not a burden you must bear anymore. You can learn to shut out unwanted energy and keep others from violating your personal boundaries. First, you have to set boundaries. Dr. Caron Goode, who wrote the foreword for the book, presented a book excerpt on her blog, Kids Who See Ghosts:

Thursday, March 24 - Faith Ranoli interviewed me on Heart and Home Radio Show about how as an intercessor, I picked up the illnesses and emotional pain of those I prayed for. Everyone is intuitive and has the small, still voice inside if we will just listen, but not everyone is empathic. Some are too empathic and allow compassion to go too far. Ranoli said of my book, “ Designed especially for empaths, this book teaches healthful living, good spiritual practices, and gives helpful tips for living a safe and energetically balanced life.” Listen to the interview at

Friday, March 25 - Vonnie Faroqui shared an article titled “Being Non-Resistant Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.” Being non-resistant is the embodiment of the often misunderstood feat of “turning the other cheek.” We’ve often thought that phrase meant that it is honorable to let people walk all over us. Turning the other cheek actually means standing in your place of power and letting things flow through you without getting stuck. Read more on Ink Slinger's Whimsey:

Monday, March 28 - Dr. Caron Goode shared an excerpt from my book. See Raising Intuitive Children blog: Caron and I believe this book will benefit many people and help get them moving toward better health and emotional balance.

I am very thankful for all of you and the support you provided to help me launch my book. I’m very impressed with everyone who participated. The tour went smoothly without a glitch; everyone posted the material on time, and we had some great comments from your readers. I hope you enjoyed being part of this networking activity and found it beneficial.

Bulk orders (10 or more) of this title are available at a discount to bookstores, counselors, and retailers who wish to offer the book to clients or resale the book. Contact us for the discount code.

Gratefully Yours,

Yvonne Perry Author of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You (
More Than Meets the Eye, True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife (
The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children (
Owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (
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