Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Poetry and Prose Corner

Welcome, Sunshine

Shadows of the night, be gone.
Your time well-spent in nourishment,
Nurturing the dreams of light,
As dawn brings hope of new beginnings.

Welcome, Sunshine,
Welcome friend,
Smiling down upon my face.
Spread your joy across my brow,
Raise your manna to my lips.

Sadness cannot breach your fortress,
Tragic cause must pass you by as
Every creature great and small
Upward turns to meet your stare.

Faithful watcher,
Silent giver,
Asking nothing in return.
Not in worship, but our kinship,
Bids me pause to offer praise.

Dennis Martin
Website: http://www.iwritesome.com
Lulu Storefront: http://www.lulu.com/dsmartin
Plays: http://sites.google.com/site/playsbydennissmartin/

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