Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Join Us on the Blog Tour For Leslie D. Soule's Forgetting Fallenwood

I have always been fascinated by what makes authors tick--the process by which they develop their stories and characters. It is almost as interesting to me as the book itself! Novelist Leslie D. Soule was kind enough to give us this peek into the creative inspiration for Forgetting Fallenwood. 

Building A Fantasy World
By Leslie D. Soule
        So when I was a child, I adored the movie Labyrinth. In the movie, we’re introduced to teenager Sara, and her room is filled with things that later show up in the actual fantasy-world labyrinth she enters with the help of Jareth, the goblin king. There’s a book, the board game, a statue of Jareth, stuffed animal goblins, etc. Personally, I’ve found that fantasy writing is a bit like that. In my own fantasy world, called Fallenwood (the old name is Terra Illumina), I’ve taken the things I like – the things that littered the walls of my room when I was a teenager – dragons and the wolf king, crystals and unicorns and the things of 80s fantasy. To me, the original Fallenwood novel has a very 80s feel to it.
            As for my main character, I based her on myself because writing has always been a source of therapy for me, and for working out my own issues, on paper. It seems to me that nowadays, people are so eager to escape the past, forget their own histories, and always be wiping the slate clean. But as a writer, that feels so cheap – because there’s a lot to be gained from seeing how far you’ve come on your journey, even if it hasn’t been a particularly pleasant one. I guess that would really be the underlying message of the series.
            But back to Fallenwood. I wanted to add some danger to this world, and what could be more dangerous to a human than a dragon? Much of fantasy has dealt with dragon-slaying or befriending dragons, but I feel like if I were transported back to a fantasy land, I would probably try and stay as far away from them as possible, because as the saying goes, “I am crunchy, and good with ketchup”.
            Basically, I added the things I like, into Fallenwood – I like unicorns, but I feel like they’ve been made into overly-cute things. So I created the black unicorn. That, I can handle. Of course there is magic, and according to Orson Scott Card, you’ve got to have a price every time it’s used, to keep your characters believable and to keep them from becoming uber-powerful. That’s how/why I created the Curse that the magic-users have.
            And…I should have thought of direwolves, and snatched up that bit of fantasy before George R.R. Martin could put his signature stamp all over it. Hrmph! Oh well. What would YOUR fantasy world look like and/or include?

Enter to win one of two $25 Amazon GCs! A Rafflecopter Giveaway!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Join Us on the TWIST OF FATE Blog Tour


Welcome to the first stop on the Twist of Fate blog  tour! A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Shawna C. Smith on our podcast, and I thought our readers could benefit from learning more about her writing process.   

My Writing Process
By Shawna C. Jones
I like to start a story by writing with paper and pen. When I hold a pen and jot down words in a notebook, my creativity opens up. It’s a freeing experience to be able to write something down, and eventually get into a flow with it. At times it seems to be an altered experience. Words start flowing, and sometimes after reading, I wonder if I actually wrote it, or if it came from somewhere else.

At any time, if I’m not sure what I want to say, I just start writing, and eventually the pen glides easily over the paper. At least for me, this seems to help “prime the pump.” Then later, finding a different way of saying something, or adding more to the picture, can give me an “aha” moment. I was once told in a writing class to not cross anything out while writing a first draft. They also advised us not to write longer than two hours, because you need to process the information you’ve written and let it percolate. Ideas for improvements could show up later that day, or in the following days.

It took several tries for me to write Twist of Fate. It started out as a memoir, but that didn’t work. Because I had so much travel in it, I felt like I was giving readers a tour. And that’s not my story, although journeying to foreign countries was an important part of it. So I decided to focus the story on the characters, and go into less detail about the landscape. I realize this way of writing doesn’t appeal to everyone. And that’s okay. It’s my story.

While reviewing my second try with the memoir style, an editor told me that certain events had to happen before this and that. She said it was a great story, but needed refining. By this time, I’d written over one hundred pages (twice), and I decided to rethink the whole process, and approach it from a different angle. I took out a lot of the travel, or used it as backstory. I removed several characters that didn’t add to the story, and weren’t really necessary. Who needs all those extras?

This new approach took another two tries by long hand before I was happy with it. Then I went to the computer and started typing. Now as I typed, other ways of making a sentence better would appear. Sometimes I would continue typing it as it was, and other times I would stop and use long hand again. Since this book is a memoir, I didn’t want to change a lot of it, but I had two separate journeys going on at the same time. I didn’t know if I could reconcile them without the story appearing disjointed. Somehow, I managed to pull it off, but don’t ask me how I did it. I just went with my soul. In fact, I would say my soul wrote a lot of this book. And sometimes in writing that’s all that’s supposed to happen.
When we get too caught up in the words, we miss something. Too much detail, for me, is distracting. I know some people prefer to have every little detail, rather than using their imagination. I’m not one of those. It will either bore me or put me to sleep.

So all in all, I wrote out my book at least four times. I had it edited three times, and proofread twice, by some terrific people. It took longer than I thought it would take: about ten months. All I know is everyone’s writing is going to be different because we’re all different. We come from various backgrounds and experiences. And guess what? It’s okay. My advice for aspiring writers is to not stop writing. Write even when you don’t feel like it. Write even if the only thing you write is about is the weather, or nonsense stuff. Deep inside you is a story dying to get out. And millions of us want to read it.
Best of luck to all of you writing. Please don’t quit.

Shawna will be awarding the winner's choice of a  $50 Amazon GC, a $50 Starbucks GC, or a crystal from Middle Earth Store in Mt. Shasta  to a randomly drawn commenter during this tour and a $25 Amazon  or  Starbucks GC to a randomly drawn host.

Enter to win a $50 Amazon GC, a $50 Starbucks GC, or a crystal from Middle Earth Store in Mt. Shasta. They will dowse for the right one for you. Value up to $60.00.(winner's choice)—a Rafflecopter giveaway)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Yvonne Perry’s latest book: Light Language Emerging

Humanity attempts to settle on an answer to the question of “reality”. Philosophy and religion attempt to encapsulate thoughts on the matter into an idea, the oldest idea known to man: That being is one, identical with God the Creator. In every age and in every corner of the world that idea is rediscovered. Humanity finds that idea fulfilling. And humankind can rest comfortably on the fact that it will never perish. Assuredly, nothing will ever finally replace it in human consciousness. There remains only the problem of communication: A language is needed to communicate in an “all being as one reality”. Thus, Yvonne Perry’s Light Language Emerging beacons and fires the imagination with sounds, movements, and images that arouse joy, exhilaration, and the anticipation of a new day on the earth.

Perry speaks to the possible human experience with fresh, new words and images that render imaginings fitting to the present moment in evolution. Light Language Emerging is captivating and nearly impossible to put it down, hypnotically leading into an immediate second reading. While the Church limits light language to church services and prayers, without reservation, Perry blows the doors off that stifling prison of thoughts about its purpose and potential by using varied candid stories of speaking, signing, drawing, and dancing in light language. In so doing, she catapults readers into a world of galactic portals and dimensions where communication does not necessarily depend on reason, understanding, and context. Simultaneously, Perry plants readers into deep communication with the unknown world of infinite mystery while appealing to all the senses, both spiritual and physical. I conclude light language can lead to personal discovery and an entirely new human experience for many individuals.

S. L. Brannon
Author of The Two Agreements: A Good News Story for Our Time

Friday, June 6, 2014

WAO Coaching Podcast for June

We Are One in Spirit Podcast allows for people from all walks of life to discuss their spiritual journey and life—transforming experiences that remind us that we are all one in spirit. Uplifting, enlightening, and insightful topics include healing, empathy, intuition, spiritual/psychic gifts, metaphysics, soul development, afterlife, spirit communication, and more. The metaphysical shows are archived at feed://nashvillewriter.audioacrobat.com. You will also find us on iTunes. Please subscribe to the We Are One in Spirit mailing list to receive the call log-in information: http://weare1inspirit.com/blog/

This month’s interactive calls include group coaching for empaths on June 10th and for walk-ins on June 26th. Both webinar conference calls are at 2 p.m., central time.

Learn more about the group coaching calls at http://weare1inspirit.com/wao-podcast/

WITS Announcements June 2014

As a subscriber to Writers in the Sky Newsletter, you are entitled to share your announcements with our readers. See guidelines at http://writersinthesky.blogspot.com/p/submit-your-material.html and send your material to us before the 24th of each month to make the next month’s issue. Anything posted in the WITS Newsletter is also shared with our blog readers at http://writersinthesky.blogspot.com.

Writers in the Sky’s Deborah Wilbrink has been chosen competitively to present a workshop at the annual conference of the Association of Personal Historians. Print on Demand? Your EZ Guide to Online Publishing will explore the different online publishing platforms and sites, and teach what questions to ask and where to look for answers before you choose a site for your project. Perfect for those lost in the maze of internet publishing options, and those new to online publishing. Deborah's presentation is October 25 in St. Louis, Missouri. She is a consultant editor, ghostwriter and personal historian. Contact Deborah to give workshops to your group or for private coaching. See events at perfectmemoirs.com

Read the first chapter for free and then decide if you want to download the 3-hour-long MP3 audio book of More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife for only $7.00. http://tinyurl.com/bd7qhy8
From June 12- September 4, Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Name Before the Masses Tour for Twist of Fate by Shawna C. Jones, a Romance book available now.

The tour will run every Thursday for 12 weeks, starting on June 12, 2014, and Shawna is available for guest post and interviews. A PDF, Mobi and ePub copy of the book is available for review in conjunction with a guest post or interview.

PRIZE INFORMATION: Shawna will be awarding the winner's choice of 1) A $50.00 Amazon gift card 2) A $50.00 Starbucks gift card 3) A crystal from Middle Earth Store in Mt. Shasta (they will dowse for the right one for you. Value up to $60.00) to a randomly drawn commenter during this tour. A $25 Amazon GC or a $25 Starbucks GC (winner's choice) to a randomly drawn host.
Do you have a great idea for a book but don't have the time or skills needed to complete the project? Our team will use your notes or rough draft, conduct author interviews, and/or transcribe your audio files to write your book. And the best part is, your name will be on the cover! Learn more: http://tinyurl.com/4dygat

Jumpstart Your Memoir! with Deborah Wilbrink

June 28, Saturday 10AM-1PM FREE with advance registration

615 Church Street, Nashville, TN
Contact elizabeth.coleman@nashville.gov or Liz at 862-5804 x6092 to Register

Start writing the book you’ve been carrying in your head for years: your life story! We’ll begin by defining and comparing styles of memoir. Then you’ll engage in activities that will generate many ideas for developing your narrative. Learn how characters, settings, plot, theme and morals can be used to steer your story, give it form, and deepen the experience of your readers.

Deborah Wilbrink is a nationally certified teacher of English; a published journalist; and editor, ghostwriter and proprietor of Perfect Memoirs, a personal and family history publishing business. Most recently she taught That's Your Life, Writing Memoir, for Vanderbilt University's Osher Institute. She is proud to be associated with Writers in the Sky.
Each story in The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children focuses on life skills such as environmental awareness, helping others, being true to one’s self, overcoming fear, and following inner guidance. http://TheSidSeries.com
Writers in the Sky offers three different levels of editing--developmental, copy editing, and proofreading for books, articles, and other documents. WITS has edited many books for publishers, several of which became bestsellers in their category. We offer full or partial edits, as well as the opportunity to work with an editor as much or as little as you like. http://bit.ly/1pS092G
Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those around You is a guidebook for empathic people who have been unknowingly carrying energetic burdens that belong to someone else. See all purchasing options at http://whosestuffisthis.blogspot.com/p/purchase-book.html.


The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who loves expressing their innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful literary art of poetry and/or writing a great story that is worth telling everyone. Write a poem or a short story for a chance to win cash prizes totaling $1275! All works must be original. Postmark deadline: July 31, 2014. Visit our website for details on how to enter: http://www.dreamquestone.com
You've poured your blood, sweat and tears into your book, and now, after countless rounds of writing, rewriting and editing, it is finally ready for market. Think your work is over? Think again. These days, whether you are a self-published or traditionally published author, you are responsible for the lion's share of the marketing. That's why Writers in the Sky offers a full menu of services to assist you in promoting your book. Visit our website for more information! http://bit.ly/1jZWTVI
State of Appreciation is a free weekly online newsletter that blends practical and spiritual approaches to enhance personal power and self-realization. This publication offers empowering articles, gifts, and free contemporary and classic empowerment downloads at http://stateofappreciation.weebly.com.
If you are looking for someone to create an original piece for your book cover, you might want to connect with Diane Daversa on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Diane-Daversa-Fine-Art/109782219119036.
Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience is about how to embrace multidimensional frequencies, lessen physical and emotional symptoms of rapid spiritual ascension, and offers tips to make the ascension process easier and quicker. http://shiftingintopurerconsciousness.com.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Editor's Corner June 2014

Welcome to the June, 2014 Edition of the Writers in the Sky Newsletter!

Not all seekers are writers, but all writers are seekers. We seek understanding of human behavior, of spirituality, law, politics, and anything else that happens to catch our eye. It is this curiosity that drives us to first pursue knowledge, then share it with others.

This past Saturday, I attended an event, “Meet the Writers of Bay Ridge”, held at the local branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—where I have lived for the past several years—is best known to non-New Yorkers as Tony Manero’s neighborhood in Saturday Night Fever, and more recently, the sight of Reagans’ Sunday dinner on Blue Bloods. Within the Five Boroughs, it is known for its lovely, tree-lined streets and great eateries; but, as I was so pleasantly surprised to learn, it also has a rich literary history that includes Hubert Selby’s iconic Last Exit to Brooklyn and a thriving writers’ community.

As writers we are always seeking a balance between solitude and community. We get plenty of the former, but sometimes the latter is harder to find. But as I was recently reminded, what we are looking for is usually right under our noses.
Happy networking, and as always, happy writing!

Dana Micheli
Writer and editor, Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services

Writers in the Sky is a team of ghostwriters, editors, and book marketing specialists committed to the craft and business of writing. We work with our clients on all levels of the publishing process from editing and manuscript assessments to book formatting and marketing. So whether you are a first-time author or a veteran of the craft, let Writers in the Sky help you get your book out into the world. We also provide assistance with résumés, business documents, and academic essays. For more information, visit www.writersinthesky.com.