Friday, May 10, 2013

Yvonne Perry Has Released a New Book

And, speaking of the metaphysical point of view, Yvonne Perry's new book, Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness, will be launched with a gathering of walk-ins, starseeds, healers, and indigos on May 17-18, 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Do you feel like a misfit on Earth? Are you here to help shift humanity and the planet into higher consciousness? You may be a walk-in. Have you experienced an awakening that totally
revolutionized your life and made you feel that you are a different person in the same body? You may have had a soul exchange.

Our future, past, and fragmented selves are coming together in wholeness to create a unified expression of the soul. Shadow and light are being integrated. We are becoming one.

If you have had a strange spiritual experience, you will find comfort and information to help make sense of it in this eye-opening book, written by a walk-in to help others understand the soul exchange process and how to integrate higher vibrations that clear energy imprints that are not aligned with love, light, and joy. Learn how to stay centered and actively involved in your personal ascension process as you discover your mission, purpose, and role on Earth.

As our planetary system travels around the Milky Way Galaxy, the Earth passes through galactic portals that affect all of her inhabitants. Within that evolutionary continuum, some humans experience a sudden transformation that awakens spiritual gifts and psychic abilities. In our current time of ascension, people are experiencing visitations, co-habitations, and even trading places with more evolved aspects of their soul in various dimensions. This embodiment of higher consciousness brings pathfinders, way-showers, lightworkers, and healers to our planet to help anchor the new paradigm of oneness and unity associated with the nurturing community love of the Divine Mother.

Those who have experienced a life-transforming event will find help and comfort in this eye-opening book, destined to become a classic in walk-in literature. Walk-ins Among Us is written by a walk-in to help others understand the soul exchange process and how to integrate higher vibrations that clear energy imprints not aligned with love, light, and joy. Through cosmic encoded activations, readers may receive downloads and learn how to stay centered and actively involved in their own ascension process as they discover their mission, purpose, and role on Earth.

Reviews for this Book

Yvonne Perry has written an exceptional book for our times. The timing couldn't be more perfect as more and more people are seeking answers to what is happening to them. When I started reading I just couldn't put it down. It is well written, and she is well informed on the subject of Walk-ins, because she is one herself. Sharing her own story and the stories of others, answers so many questions and as people discover changes in their lives, and/or shift in personality, they will be seeking answers. Walk-ins Among Us, brings answers and much more. I would recommend this book to everyone. I liked the fact that she added her research right in the body of the book instead of in the back pages. This book brings to the consciousness an understanding of this phenomena of what is happening with people every day, and I believe this subject of walk-ins will find itself in many circles as people change, shift and seek answers. Anyone who reads this book will find a wealth of knowledge and it will bring peace and comfort to those who have this experience, because they will know they are not alone. For the seekers, they will find direction, and understanding and most of all HOPE. It was my pleasure to read this book and offer my review.
~ Jan Lawson, Dacula, Georgia


Noted author Yvonne Perry has another winner, an excellent well-written book called Walk-ins Among Us in the paranormal genre. The title echoes in the ears of those who read the popular metaphysical book called Strangers Among Us by author Ruth Montgomery in the late 1970s. Exceeding Montgomery's prose, Yvonne deftly blends the explanations of how the walk-in experience unfolds; clarifies the united viewpoint of those who have walked-in; and reports why more of these experiences may continue. You'll enjoy Yvonne's straightforward approach, written with the authority of an investigative journalist and her transparency, shared from an open heart.
~ Dr. Caron Goode, author of the international bestseller, Kids Who See Ghosts, Guide Them through Fear

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