Thursday, April 14, 2011

Network with Us April 2011

Dianna Calareso is now co-authoring an exciting new blog, Smith-Corona Sisters. She and another writer have been experimenting with 1950s typewriters, and scanning their typed images to the blog. It's a whole new way to write!


Kristen House has developed a summer writing program called "A Novel Idea." It is aimed at teaching middle-grade students (rising 7th, 8th, and 9th graders) and high-school students (rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors) to write a novel in a month during their summer break.
Yes, I know it sounds insane. And it very well may be. But that's exactly what publishers told J.K. Rowling when she wanted to write giant novels for middle-grade readers. Now, the young adult fiction market is the fastest growing in the publishing industry.

Kristen’s program aims to grab those voracious readers and turn them into daily writers, setting a goal for them that is at once enormous and achievable: writing the stories of their life. Certainly, not every student who attempts a novel will be a best-selling author. But what they will gain is invaluable confidence with the written word.

This summer's workshops will be held at Abintra Montessori School (, a beautiful and inspirational place for students to write their stories. Check out her program at

The details are still being ironed out, but Kristen will also be offering an adult version of the course starting in mid-September.


Dianna Calareso's essay "Half Moon" has been accepted for publication in an upcoming online issue of Her Nashville ( Dianna will also be teaching a blogging workshop on June 4 at Watkins College of Art & Design, as part of their community education summer workshop series. See her article in this issue of WITS Newsletter, "Why You Should Blog," to get a taste of the workshop!


Give your relationship the gift of new life this Easter!

Join Sondra Ray and Mark Sullivan for a weekend of relationship training based on A Course in Miracles . Get clear on how your thoughts affect your life, and breathe out stored memories that may be sabotaging your present relationship. Loving Relationship Training in Nashville April 22-24. See for details or Sign up for Liberation Breathing and Loving Relationship Workshop now

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