Simmering On The Stove Of Consciousness
A Light Flickers Beneath Me
A Flame Filled With Connected Images
Surrounds Me
Caught In Magnetic Movement
A Word
Dangles From A Distorted Belief
Myopic Influences Push Me Through
A Collection Of Filtered Circumstances
Where I Sizzle In My Own Thoughts
Quietly Melting In A Stew Of Learning
A Cryptic Reality Begins To Steam Within Me
A Chaotic Rapture Pounds Relentlessly
On My Memory As I Drip
From A Drop Of My Awareness
Dizziness Frolics Through A Confused Pasturev
Forming Crop Circles Of Particles
Leftover From A Bleed-Through Identity
Tracing My Self In Agelessness
My Energy Drowns In Sweet Harmony
Until I Meet My Self Again
In Another Pot
Of Reality
Hal Manogue http://halmanogue.blogspot.com/
Poet, Author and Essayist
Short Sleeves Insights http://www.shortsleeves.net/
Short Sleeves Spirit Songs
Short Sleeves A Book for Friends
There’s a tale told by fools of a fairytale world
Filled with dreams,
Where night never falls and honey flows wild
In the streams.
But when twilight comes crashing, and your waiting here
By the phone.
And it finally hits you, the meaning
Of being alone.
It’s a feeling that settles inside to tell you it’s true.
The one thing you thought was forever is over and through.
It’s a double-edged blade that slices and cuts to the bone.
You just never get use to the silence
Of being alone.
There is no way to describe all the emptiness
That you’re feeling inside.
You look in the mirror but there’s no reflection.
Your heart has gone looking for someplace to hide.
No one to free you.
No one to call but yourself.
You have a choice to rescue your soul
And climb down from your shelf.
Do you swim murky waters
Or let yourself sink like a stone?
It’s all up to you; you don’t have to face it
Dennis S Martin
Website: http://www.iwritesome.com/
Blog: http://www.iwrtiesome.blogspot.com/
Storefront: www.lulu.com/dsmartin
Midnight Hour
By Gail Livesay
Life can be like
a storm in the midnight hour,
strong winds and rain
knock us about.
But if we look to the Son,
he is like a lighthouse
shining bright and ever faithful.
He will lead us softly
to our journey’s end.
To Celebrate Our Lord In Heaven
A new star shines up above
Nestled in a velvet blue sky
To celebrate our Lord in heaven
For his words will live on forever
He is filled with love and compassion
Spreading his message of joy
For all of his children on earth
They are so inspired by him.
The new star will twinkle for all eternity
Surrounded by the wise man in the moon
And the many planets who wait patiently
For our Lord to share the good news!
By Irene Brodsky, author of Poetry Unplugged (Outskirts Press, 2008)
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