Put your writing career in motion with the yahoo marketing group VBT - Writers on the Move. Promote your platform, yourself, and your books with cross-promotion! We utilize ONGOING tours, Viewpoint segments, mystery site give aways, blog radio spots, and much more to increase visibility and readership. To learn more contact Karen at karenrcfv@yahoo.com. Please put VBT- WITS in the subject box.
"Always be positive and keep on rolling!"Frankie further expands on her message above in her NEW 28-page activity book that overcoming a challenge can be done by having a positive attitude. This book is filled with activities such as word searches, crossword puzzles, coloring pages, and mazes to teach children that challenges are given to help us learn and grow. $11.95 For a limited time, you can receive FREE shipping on Frankie's Activity Book. Hurry! Expires July 15th, 2009!
Another Frankie book is expected out early 2010! Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby's House is about Frankie's volunteer therapy work at an elderly home where many of the residents have dementia and Alzheimer's.
Have you ever thought of taking classes to improve your writing? Are you a self-publishing author who wants to work personally with an editor on your book manuscript? Yvonne Perry’s writing mentoring program may be exactly what you are looking for http://writersinthesky.com/writing-classes.html.
Looking for writing contests? Krista Barrett has a listing athttp://www.writergazette.com/sendstudio/users/link.php?UserID=11140&Newsletter=183&List=1&LinkType=Send&LinkID=8616
The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who loves expressing innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful art of poetry or to write a short story that is worth telling everyone! And, to all who have the ability to dream. Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes. All works must be original. http://www.dreamquestone.com/
For over 20 years, NABE has honored some of the finest independently published books on the market today. NABE is now accepting books for its 2009 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards. Get your Entry Form and complete details at http://www.bookmarketingprofits.com/PinnacleAwardsEntryForm.html
Winners of the 2008 Awards are in the current issue of Book Dealers World which is now available online You can check it out at http://www.scribd.com/doc/16164973/BDW-Spring-2009-PDF
While you are there, you can also sign up to sell your book in PDF Format at this site as well. You keep 80% of the profits. Or, you can even give away a free chapter to garner interest in your printed book. All the details can be found at the link above.
Al Galasso
Sharing Books Online Children's Library--http://www.sharing-books.com/ is a wonderful online library dedicated to promoting literacy for children all over the world. Sharing Books now has 184 e-books available FREE for any child to download & enjoy. Sharing Books also provides Reading Rooms in countries that do not have traditional schools and libraries. Special thanks to donations from Abe's Books, Alibris Books, librarians, and parents. I am honored to be a member of Sharing Books.
Irene Brodsky
Sightlines Internet Tour Offers Free Audio Book at Each Stop
Janet Grace Riehl's four-disc audio book Sightlines: A Family Love Story in Poetry and Music (http://cdbaby.com/cd/janetgraceriehl) is reviewed on Story Circle Network's book reviews.
The top post on the Riehlife blog-magazine (http://www.riehlife.com/) lists the calendar for that week's posts in the nine-week internet tour for Janet's audio book. You'll also see the featured video of the week in her series on how to produce an audio book. These videos feature key players on the audio book production team and guests at the Nashville audio book launch dinner including Suzy Bogguss, Nashville music star.
Follow the Sightlines blog tour in June and July by signing up for updates at http://www.riehlife.com/ where you'll find a 10-minute sample audio clip. As part of the internet tour, Janet offers a free audio book for the right answers to the Treasure Chest contest clues presented at each stop in the tour. Often these answers can be found in the featured video of the week.
Win a FREE VIRTUAL TOUR for your latest nonfiction or historical fiction title. Eligible titles will have release dates between 9/15/08 & 7/15/09 and be available in print format. To enter, email information below to http://www.blogger.com/Local%20Settings/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.Outlook/VC3P2OIB/Work%20Tools/steffercat@austin.rr.com no later than 7/15/09:
- Author’s name, address, phone # & URL
- Book’s title, release date, genre, publisher, editor, # pages, & price/format
- Name of site or newsletter from which you learned of this contest
Winner will be notified on 7/16/09 by Stephanie Barko, Literary Publicist. www.authorsassistant.com/Barko.htm
Winning title will be toured Fall ’09. Entrant information will not be sold or shared.
TC McClenning's recently released book, All in a Day's Work for Real Estate Agents: Humorous & Heartwarming Stories (Work Like A Dog Books, 4/09 copyright, softcover, $14.95) was named a finalist in the Humor/Comedy category of the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. The book contains more than 100 real-life stories of Realtors in 44 states and Canada about the many hilarious, odd, and touching things that have happened in the course of selling real estate. It also received a recent positive review from Midwest Book Review, which called it "hilarious and much worth the read, even for those with little interest in real estate, just for the human story that is laid out."To check out excerpts of the book, see the media section of the publisher's website, http://www.worklikeadogbooks.com/.
Cherie Burbach is doing author interviews on her writing blog http://workingwritersblog.blogspot.com/. Any writer who would like to be interviewed may email her at cherieburbach@wi.rr.com.
The second edition of Cold Coffee Magazine, showcasing some of the finest writers and poets around. My article “A Testament To Poets” is now available at http://magcloud.com/browse/Issue/20706.
My novellas Behind the Red Door and Thorns of an Innocent Soul are now available in hardback through the publisher, http://www.publishamerica.com/. My collection of selected short stories, Nightmares & Daydreams is due for release from Mythica Publishing in July. Until then, you can visit http://www.mythicapublishing.com/ and learn more about my work, and the work of some other extremely talented writers.
Thanks to everyone who has voted for my book video trailer, Nightmares & Daydreams and if you have not voted yet, I would greatly appreciate your support. Voting ends July 19. The link to vote is, http://www.thenewcoveytrailerawards.blogspot.com/ and my book is #5 on the voting poll.
Barbara Watkins
Last November, Masomeh Fritz and Ray Brennan were interviewed on WITS Podcast regarding their non-fiction book, The Legacy of the Chosen One, which is the true story of a spirit transfer (walk-in). Ray and Masomeh entered their book in the Book Expo of America where more than 30,000 publishers, agents, writers, librarians, and book lovers attended the event held at the Javits Center in New York City between May 29 and 31. On June 8, 2009, the Book Expo of America awarded its Silver Prize for the Best New Release to Ray Brennan and Masomeh Fritz The Legacy of the Chosen One.
For a metaphysical book to win 2nd place was quite an accomplishment. It was up against hundreds of books by large publishers, which had a great amount of publicity and promotion behind them. The Legacy of the Chosen One was called, “Inspirational.”
Ray Brennan and Masomeh Fritz operate the Spiritual Science Center of the Mountains in Shawnee on Delaware, Pennsylvania. You may purchase The Legacy of the Chosen One on Amazon.com.
Read free books and best-selling excerpts in page turning format, just like a real book! Authors may upload an excerpt from their books at http://bookbuzzr.freado.com/ and get free exposure at http://www.freado.com/
BookBuzzr is a page-flipping application that is well suited for marketing books online.
BookBuzzr comes with the built-in ability to share book-extracts on over 60 social networking and bookmarking sites such as Facebook, Orkut, MySpace, Digg, Delicious, etc.
BookBuzzr also carries a lot of details regarding your book (media mentions, videos, praise and reviews, sales Web sites, etc.) in a compact form. This means that no matter where you place the widget on the Internet, readers can get all information about you and the book from this small widget.
We are in beta right now and are gearing up for a new release. Hence, we'd like authors to use our tool so they can give us feedback for the new release.
Barbara Watkins is an author from Southeast Missouri. Her genre includes, but not limited to, paranormal/thrillers. She has two novellas in publication Behind the Red Door and Thorns of an Innocent Soul, available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other retailers.
Mythica Publishing has accepted her manuscript selection of short stories titled, Nightmares & Daydreams, and it is due to be released in e-book form June 30, 2009 with the print edition to follow. In addition, Mythica Publishing accepted her short story “Mortal Abomination” for their anthology titled, Another Time, Another Place due to be released 2009 in e-book and print edition. For more info, visit http://www.mythicapublishing.com/
Cold Coffee Magazine accepted her article, “A Testament To Poets,” for their second issue released in print and available online. She is also proud to announce that the Linda Chester Literary Agency requested a sample of her manuscript novel titled, Hollowing Screams for their review.
For more information you can visit her website at http://www.barbarawatkins.net/
The Power of Words Conference, Sept. 3-7, Goddard College, Plainfield, VT. – Explore how we can use our words — written, spoken or sung — to make community, deepen healing, witness one another, wake ourselves up, and foster empowerment and transformation. Organized by the Transformative Language Network, and founded by Goddard College, this conference features experiential workshops with over 20 presenters, including John Fox, Lewis Mehl Medrona, Dovie Thomason, Kyahan Irani; performances, open readings, and celebrations, plus special tracks in Narrative Medicine, Right Livelihood and Social Change.Beautiful setting, reasonable conference fees, room and board available on campus, work-study positions and scholarships available, including the Roxanne-Florence Scholarship for people of color. coordinator@TLANetwork.org. See www.TLANetwork.org for more information.

The Power of Words Conference, Sept. 3-7, Goddard College, Plainfield, VT. – Explore how we can use our words — written, spoken or sung — to make community, deepen healing, witness one another, wake ourselves up, and foster empowerment and transformation. Organized by the Transformative Language Network, and founded by Goddard College, this conference features experiential workshops with over 20 presenters, including John Fox, Lewis Mehl Medrona, Dovie Thomason, Kyahan Irani; performances, open readings, and celebrations, plus special tracks in Narrative Medicine, Right Livelihood and Social Change.Beautiful setting, reasonable conference fees, room and board available on campus, work-study positions and scholarships available, including the Roxanne-Florence Scholarship for people of color. coordinator@TLANetwork.org. See www.TLANetwork.org for more information.

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