
Friday, October 2, 2009

October Podcasts Offer Series of Podcasts with Personal Reflections and Connections

Writers in the Sky October Podcasts to Feature Several New Works of Fiction and a Thesis on Our Political System

Nashville, TN, September 29, 2009—The Writers in the Sky podcast this month offers five Friday interviews that cover a diverse series of topics. October begins with a novel that delves into the complex psychological issues that surround a long-term marriage. The next week features a coming-of-age story of a boy who escapes his emotionally distant family through poetry. The month of interviews will offer a break from the world of fiction as Writers in the Sky shares a book that outlines a new approach to many aspects of our government. The following week will see a return to fiction with a novel about a woman who rises above the many forms of discrimination she faces in her life. The month comes to an end when our youngest ever podcast guest shares some information about his series of children’s books.

The October series of podcasts begins on October 2 when Mary Verdick will be Sarah Moore’s guest to discuss her novel As Long As He Needs Me. In this novel, main characters Clem and Kitty face a crisis in their marriage while on a cruise to celebrate their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. The storyline examines the psychological dynamic present in long-term relationships and the importance of family structure. Mary Verdick will be discussing her personal reasons for creating such a story, what impact she hopes the book will have on its readers, and her extensive background in writing. To purchase As Long As He Needs Me, please visit the Amazon website.

On October 9, the novel Let’s Find You by first-time author Jeffrey Barbieri will be the subject of a podcast interview. This book tells the story of a boy named Benjamin whose father is absent and whose mother moves the family often to avoid her past. Let’s Find You includes the familiar stories of love and war between siblings as well as the personal introspection of a boy who is becoming a man. Mr. Barbieri will tell our listeners about the unique format of his book, how he developed the featured personalities, and what his plans are for future publications. Please visit the Amazon website to purchase Let’s Find You.

The podcasts continue on October 16 with a conversation between Don Quigg and Sarah Moore. Mr. Quigg has released a new work of non-fiction entitled Runaway Debt, Flat Taxes, and Voter Apathy. In this book, he shares his proposed solutions for a variety of problems that currently face our federal government from taxes to immigration to transparency from our elected officials. During the interview, Mr. Quigg will discuss the reason for his interest in government reform and how he is working to share his ideas with those in power. Please visit the Amazon website to purchase Runaway Debt, Flat Taxes, and Voter Apathy.

The focus returns to fiction on October 23 with the new novel USA Anytime Anyplace by Ercell Hoffman. This book details the struggles of a black woman in the United States who faces both racial and gender discrimination in her workplace and personal life. Despite the odds being stacked against her, she is determined not only to survive but to excel. Ms. Hoffman will be discussing how her own life experiences contributed to the storyline of her book, her extensive writing background, and who she believes will be most drawn to her novel. To learn more about Ercell Hoffman and purchase USA Anytime Anyplace, please visit the Amazon website.

Writers in the Sky concludes its month of podcast interviews with a very special visit from Sidney McCurley, the inspiration behind the series of children’s books written by Writers in the Sky owner Yvonne Perry. Sidney is the grandson of Yvonne Perry and the two of them enjoyed adventures which led to The Sid Series of stories. Through these books, children can learn wonderful lessons about love, acceptance, using spiritual gifts, and much more. Sidney will be discussing how he served as Yvonne’s muse, the spiritual gifts that he shares with his grandmother, and what other children can get from reading these stories that bear his name. Please visit The Sid Series webpage to learn more about these books.

“This month offers five Fridays and therefore an opportunity for five wonderful podcast interviews!” shares Yvonne Perry, owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services, which produces the podcast. “I am excited about the great new authors we will be introducing to our listening audience, and very proud that I will be sharing the microphone with my young grandson to finish out the month.”

About Writers in the Sky: Writers in the Sky blog, podcast, and newsletter is a three-fold production filled with information about writing, publishing, and book publicity created by Yvonne Perry as part of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (

Listening to Writers in the Sky Podcast on a computer is easy. Go to On the right sidebar there is a list of archived shows. Click on the interview you would like to hear and it will open a post that has a link to the audio file.
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