
Friday, July 10, 2009

E-Book Karma~ What Goes Around Comes Around

“To write what is worth publishing, to find honest people to publish it, and get sensible people to read it, are the three great difficulties in being an author.”
~Charles Caleb Colton quotes

By Erin Chavez

That quote sums it all up, doesn’t it? The hope, the fear, the feelings that well up inside of you… if only there was a crystal ball to help us all out— to show us how to obtain what we really want for the life of our books. Unfortunately, there is no such thing. You have to pull up your bootstraps and start shoveling through the piles of information that we, as authors, need to sift through to make our most informed decisions.

I am sure you have at least looked into your publishing options . . . traditional publishing, self-publishing, publishing and maybe you have even thought about starting your own website to sell your books on your own. It’s a crazy business, isn’t it? You have so many choices—how do you know what the best choice for you will be? That is a decision that is completely up to you. You have to choose how you are going to get your book out to the world, how you are going to get people to actually purchase your book, and ultimately how you are going to profit from your book—your blood, sweat and tears.

I am here to tell you about one option that you may not have heard of yet. I am owner of a spankin’ new online publishing business called, “ebooKarma”. It is designed to allow writers the chance to get their books out to the world with no cost to them, and earn a 50% royalty. Plain and simple—that is all there is to ebooKarma. The process is quite simple:

· You send in the first five pages of your book for approval.
· After approved, you will receive an agreement via USPS to sign. (This agreement is much more for the author’s sake than ebooKarma’s sake.)
· Included with the agreement will be a checklist that I use to make sure all steps are completed. You will even see what steps take place “behind the scenes,” including what emails you will receive after publication, and what efforts ebooKarma makes to market your book for you. (This sheet is purely FYI, so you can check off the requirements for which you are responsible.)
· Next, you send a cover in JPEG (if you don’t have one, we have a graphic designer that can create one for you at a discount price), your book in PDF, keywords, a short description, a long description, and a bio of yourself.

Done. That is all there is to it. Sure, there may be questions and clarifications along the way, but we get those ironed out quickly. When you start selling your books on ebooKarma, you will receive a 50% royalty that is deposited directly into your PayPal account. (You can choose an actual check if you wish.) You can even sign up to be an affiliate with ebooKarma, so if while promoting your own book, somebody goes to the site and buys another book… you earn 20% on that sale.

See, I told you this was simple! You can even still publish your books on other websites (including and kindle). All I ask is that you don’t sell your book any cheaper on another site.

There are no hidden agendas here. No surprises. It is a straightforward process where everybody wins in the end! The slogan for ebooKarma is, “What goes around comes around.” It is my goal to provide the best service for you and to help you succeed… and in turn, I hope the same will happen for ebooKarma.

Here are some links you might find useful:

· Sell an Ebook
· Agreement
· ebooKarma (where the magic happens…)
· News & Updates (Check out the stat on ebook sales!)

I truly hope you will find the value that ebooKarma can offer you. You can even call me on my cell at 469-360-6918 if you want. I am an “open book” available to answer any questions and take all comments and suggestions.

Erin Chavez
Writing Contest with $500 grand prize. Other prizes too! (All entries eligible for publication.)

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