
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Poetry and Prose Corner January 2014


Who is that hiding behind the mask
Of civility?
Claiming to understand
As the flames of misfortune
Come searching, seeking.

You shall not touch my shining
White armour.
My inoculation against your wrath
Yields me immune to your foul breath of fire
Though you aspire to drive me insane.

Speak not of frailty
Nor meekness of purpose.
Waltz proud and loud
Marching out, unafraid,
Brandishing sword and shield,
Searching for dragons,
Tearing down walls
To unmask the charade.

Dennis S. Martin
Lulu Storefront:

Beyond the Veil

By Brenda McBride

Beyond the veil, a whole new existence awaits you. A dimension that
has endless possibilities with no limitations. You are a part of all
that is good. Within this new dimension, you'll be able to connect to those you've loved and have lost, due to physical death. You'll realize that your family and friends who are in spirit never really left you. All those special people who you thought were gone, are
very much a part of you, and you are a part of them. The deep love
and appreciation you feel for your loved ones is felt by mere thought. Your connection is endless to all of God’s gifts that you
cherished. Animals are greatly appreciated for their unique wisdom and for their devotion to those they love. They are a part of you,
just as you are a part of them. There is no real separation when love
is felt and given from the heart. The beauty inside us will radiate with joy and pure emotion. We realize that God’s blessings never cease to exist. We feel more
alive now than ever before, with no more death or disease to face. Beyond the veil, the music has perfect harmony with each and every tune. We are a part of
this harmonious music, just as it is a part of us. The warmth of the sunshine
that warmed our soul is now a part of us. Just as the coolness of the raindrops
as they fall to refresh our senses. We are more alive now than ever before. Was
life a dream? Since time does not exist, we have endless moments to experience
all that is and all that will be. God’s buffet of blessings surround us as we
marvel in the here and now. Love fills the air with joy and happiness for all
his people. Our spirits soar to the upmost highest level in creation. Our soul
sings out with praise and gratitude. We are finally home! Our true home awaits
us all.

Brenda McBride lives in Temecula, California, with her two teenage girls and is a substitute teacher working with Special Education students. Several of her articles and poems have been published in various magazines throughout the last several years. When her father passed away in 2011, her grief became so unbearable that she began writing to release deep emotions. There's not a day that goes by without the thought and beautiful memories shared with her wonderful dad. 

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