
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

WITS Announcements

As a subscriber to Writers in the Sky Newsletter, you are entitled to share your announcements with our readers. See guidelines at and send your material to us before the 24th of each month to make the next month’s issue. Anything posted in the WITS Newsletter is also shared with our blog readers at

DO YOU LOVE ME? by Gigi Goodall
ISBN 9781484877241

A heartrending true story of abandonment, redemption, and forgiveness, Do You Love Me? inspires and motivates. Gigi tells of her experiences, beginning at age five, of being shuffled to various foster care homes and work-for-board situations. The gold in this true plot is the turn-around: a family of five and a gift of helping others. This girl with a minimal education makes a lifelong, substantial career with special relevance and heart: helping the poor find better housing. Her stories of both sides of life, neglect and care, shine a light for readers. Already a book club choice in Florida!

Do You Love Me? by Gigi Goodall, edited by Writers in the Sky’s Deborah Wilbrink, is available on Amazon and by request at your retail bookstore.
Read the first chapter for free and then decide if you want to download the 3-hour-long MP3 audio book of More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife for only $7.00.
IMPERFECT MEMOIRS Shares Stories in Song

Imperfect Memoirs by Deborah Wilbrink contains 10 original alternative folk and country songs. Of special interest to writers are the story songs: “Edgar,” a tale of gang recruiting in the middle schools; “Little Pony,” about a woman whose childhood incest experience affects her new marriage; and “Memory Lane,” a call to write your memoir. Available now on, iTunes, Amazon, and more.
Each story in The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children focuses on life skills such as environmental awareness, helping others, being true to one’s self, overcoming fear, and following inner guidance.
The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who loves expressing innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful art of poetry or writing a story that is worth telling everyone. Write a poem or a short story for a chance to win cash prizes! All works must be original. Visit our website for details:
WITS editor Deborah Wilbrink would like to share some tips about writing memoirs. She says that memoirs are significant events, and that you have many of them. In her blog, “Using Plot & Conflict, she gives some tips on constructing a chapter or vignette from the story element model of literature.  To download this PowerPoint presentation, keep following the link Using Plot & Conflict and it should open on your screen. Deborah Wilbrink teaches and facilitates the recall and writing process, tailoring the small class to meet student goals. Mrs. Wilbrink is an editor, ghostwriter and personal historian. She is a publishing journalist and former English teacher. See or for more information. 
Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those around You is a guidebook for empathic people who have been unknowingly carrying energetic burdens that belong to someone else. See all purchasing options at
If you are looking for someone to create an original piece for your book cover, you might want to connect with Diane Daversa on Facebook:!/pages/Diane-Daversa-Fine-Art/109782219119036.
Writing career won't budge? You need The Morning Nudge! Get your free subscription now at
Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience is about how to embrace multidimensional frequencies, lessen physical and emotional symptoms of rapid spiritual ascension, and offers tips to make the ascension process easier and quicker.

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