If you wish to contribute an article, advertorial, blurb, or announcement about writing, editing, publishing, or book marketing, please review the guidelines below and email your item to katie at writersinthesky dot com. Material that does not conform to these guidelines may not be accepted.
- Articles must be content rich and pertain to the craft or business of writing, editing, publishing, or book marketing. Include your name and a short bio with your article so you may be given proper credit. You may include one link to your blog or Web site. Promotion of your own services is accepted if your piece offers good content that does not compete with services offered by WITS. Limit articles to 500 words or less.
- All book, movie, TV program, and CD album titles should be in italics, do not use "quotation marks" or ALL CAPS.
- Announcements of upcoming events, personal accomplishments, special offers, and such are accepted. Keep these to 250 words or less, and do not include more than two links with each blurb. You may submit more than one blurb.
- No text boxes or photos will be accepted.
- We run five book reviews per issue; those written by the WITS team receive priority. Other book reviews will be featured on our e-zine blog.
- Poetry is accepted. One short work per person (less than 20 lines) will be published in each issue. Put your name at the bottom of your poem. You may include a short bio and a link to your blog or Web site.
Each contributing writer retains the copyright to his or her own piece of literature and may use it elsewhere. Since WITS does not charge a fee for the newsletter, we are unable to pay for submissions. However, the networking opportunity and exposure to approximately thousands of readers is priceless.
The newsletter will be sent on the first Tuesday of each month. All items must be received by the 24th day of the month prior.
View archived issues of Writers in the Sky E-zine.
Hi: This was the only contact address I could find.
Thank you for entering my e-book contest on Blog Jog Day. I’m sorry to say that you didn’t win. The name drawn by my wife was of Laura Ann Dunks, her blog site is http://www.lauraanndunks.com/blog.php
I hope you found the day informative and pleasant and welcome you to come around more often. I will have more draws in future, perhaps you might be able to suggest a good day and topic for one.
Christopher Hoare